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Wait on the Lord!

Isa 40:31(NKJV) "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

The Hebrew word "to wait upon the Lord" literally means - 'to bind yourself around'.

When we compare Mary and Martha, we could easily jump to the conclusion that Mary should have been more helpful. But Jesus pointed out that Mary had chosen things of eternal value. Although Martha was busy, serving Jesus, she neglected to sit at His feet and wait upon Him (Luke 10: 38 - 42). It's possible to serve but be emotionally (and spiritually) removed from the act of serving. That king of serving is referred to as "dead works".

Time is a precious commodity, so e occupy ourselves to get the most out of the day. Sadly, we play right into the hands of the enemy. We try to fit in a quick prayer, give thanks at meals and maybe listen to a pre-recorded message. As a result our relationship with the Father suffers. It is crucial to spend time with the Lord, and meet Him in His special secret place.

Daniel prophesied that the saints of God will become worn out! (Dan 7:25). This "instant-world" is packaged to get your attention; it slowly creeps up on you and takes hold of you and your resources. Give the Lord the first part of each morning; seek His direction for the day and refresh yourself from the Springs of Living Water.

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